Style Sheet


  • The Yearbook uses Word 2003, but can accept other formats. Please specify the word processing programme used.
  • Manuscripts should be submitted in Times New Roman 12pt for the main text and 11pt for the abstract and footnotes, and should be justified on the left margin.
  • The first page of the manuscript must contain the title of the paper and contributor name(s). The title should be in Times New Roman 14pt and centred. The name of the author(s) should appear immediately under the title. Reference to the author’s current position and any acknowledgements should be indicated with an asterisked footnote.
  • Articles and Notes should be accompanied by an Abstract.
  • Footnotes instead of endnotes should be used. All footnotes should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers and kept as brief as possible.
  • For citations, and subject to the variations indicated below, the GCYILJ follows The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (19th ed. 2010). Please visit


The headings should not generally exceed three levels, although five can be used as follows:

  • Chapter order:

    Indicate the main headings with bold Roman numbers (I., II., III.,...), first subheadings with bold capital letters (A., B., C., .….); second subheading with italic Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3...), third subheading using lower case bracketed letters ((a), (b), (c),...), fourth subheadings using lowercase Arabic numbers ( i), ii), iii)…).

In the text, please refer to the heading as follows (in lowercase): see section I, A; section III, B, etc…

  • I. Heading
  • A. First subheading
  • 1. Second subheading
  • (a) Third subheading
  • i) Fourth subheading

All nouns, verbs and adjectives in headings on the first three levels should begin with capital letters. Prepositions of five or more letters should be capitalized in all headings.


Please include at least the following information in the first citation of each source:

  • full name(s) of author(s) in small capital letters separated by the symbol &
  • full title of book in small capital letters
  • editor(s) and/or translator, if applicable
  • relevant page(s), if any
  • edition and year of publication in parentheses


Articles in books
  • full title of book in small capital letters
  • full name(s) of editor(s) and year of publication in parentheses
  • full name of author(s)
  • full title in italics
  • page on which the article begins and page(s) to which you refer


  • ECONOMIC SANCTIONS: PANACEA OR PEACEBUILDING IN A POST-COLD WAR WORLD? 125-126 (David Cortright & George A. Lopez eds., 1995)
  • THE CONSTITUTIONAL FOUNDATIONS OF WORLD PEACE (Richard A. Falk et al. eds., 1993), at 3, 13
  • Richard A. Falk, The Pathways of Global Constitutionalism, in THE CONSTITUTIONAL FOUNDATIONS OF WORLD PEACE 3, 5-10 (Richard A. Falk et al. eds., 1993)
Articles in periodicals
  • full name of author(s)
  • full title in italics
  • volume number
  • full name of the periodical
  • page on which the article begins and page(s) to which you refer
  • year of publication in parentheses


  • Henri F. Donnidieu de Vabres, Le Procès de Nuremberg et le Principe de la Legalité et des Peines, 26 REVUE DE DROIT PÉNAL ET DE CRIMINOLOGIE 813 (1947)
Documents from international organizations
  • full name of the issuing body
  • full title of the document, if available
  • document number
  • document date including month, day and year if possible
  • full name of author(s) when not apparent from the title, if available
  • page(s), paragraph(s), article(s), etc. to which you refer


  • UNHCR, Note on International Protection, UN Doc. A/AC.96/830, para. 54 (1994)
UN Resolutions and Documents

Italicize the names of all UN documents. Use the longer Official Records (GAOR, SCOR) citation when the Official Records are available and have been published. Authors can abbreviate citations to resolutions of the UN General Assembly and Security Council to only the issuing body, resolution number and the full date of the passage in parentheses. Do not use the "UN Doc." number citation. For example:

  • GA Res. 47/226 (April 30, 1993)
  • SC Res. 688 (April 5, 1991)
  • Up to 1976, the session number must be added: GA Res. 3541 (XXX) (Dec. 17, 1975).
Decisions of International Courts and Tribunals

Please give full details on the decision cited as well as indicating the report in which it has been published:

  • acronym of the court in which the decision was heard
  • full name of the case as printed in the official source
  • full names of the parties (where different from above) in the order they appear
  • name of the report in which it is published
  • page of the report where the case begins
  • page(s) to which you refer
  • full date of the decision, if available


  • ICJ, Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America), Merits, Judgment, 1986 ICJ REPORTS 14 (June 27, 1986)
  • ECJ, Portuguese Republic v. Council of the European Union, Case C-149/96, Judgment, 1999 ECR I-8395 (Nov. 23, 1999)
  • ICTY, Prosecutor v. Anto Furundžija, Case IT-95-17/1-T, Trial Chamber, Judgement (Dec. 10, 1998)
  • ITLOS, The “Volga” Case (Russian Federation v. Australia), Prompt Release, Judgment (Dec. 23, 2002)
Internet Citations

To facilitate worldwide access to source material, the Yearbook encourages the inclusion of website citations both when materials are otherwise unavailable and when they are not generally available in

hard copy but available on a reliable website or other electronic database. In the latter case, the full hard-copy citation should always be provided first. When citing website material, please include the following information in the citation:

  • author(s) name as featured in the website document, if available
  • title of the document or top-level heading of the page, if available
  • a date should be provided for all citations
  • Uniform Resource Locator (URL), otherwise known as the website's address, should be given in angle brackets ( <>)
  • where website citations serve as a parallel citation, the URL should be preceded by "available at"; all other URLs (including internet-only sources and sources where you are unsure whether a print source is available) should be preceded by "at"
  • electronic periodicals should otherwise follow the guidelines provided for print periodicals
  • If a manuscript makes repeated references to documents routinely published by an institution on the internet, an early footnote should provide a general reference to that website instead of including repeated references to the site in subsequent citations, e.g., "ICJ decisions are available online at ."


Please mention the source in full the first time, in a subsequent footnote to the same source mention only the author’s surname (in small capital letters only when you refer to the author or editor of a book), followed by the number of the footnote where it is cited for the first time.


  • BASSIOUNI, supra note 43, at 252.
  • Randall, supra note 46, at 829-830.
  • Lobel & Ratner, supra note 105, at 150.
  • BASSIOUNI & WISE, supra note 40.

When cross-referencing textual material or footnotes in the same manuscript, please use "text at notes x and y" or, when applicable, "note x and corresponding text."


Please capitalize:

  • Words such as “chapter”, “part”, “article”, “resolution”, “annex”, “appendix”, “directive”, “regulation”, “rule” if directly followed by the number they refer to (e.g., Paragraph II, Chapter VI, Resolution 1383).
  • Acronyms, only when referring to the name of an Agency, Group, Organization, Treaty. Do not capitalize in other cases, e.g., “United Nations Convention for the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)” vs. “most-favoured nations (MFN)”.
  • Terms such as “state,” “city,” “commonwealth”, “member state”, etc., when used as an accepted part of the proper name of a place, organization, etc.. e.g., “New York City” vs. “the city of New York”; “Washington State” vs. “the state of Washington”; “UN Member States” vs. “The states members of the UN”; “the state of El Salvador” vs. El Salvador State”
  • All major words (nouns, verbs and adjectives) as well as prepositions of five or more letters (e.g.: “Under”) in headings (as mentioned above)
  • Quoted titles of books, articles and legal materials when referring to specific acts, organs, etc. (e.g. XXX) FRANCIS G. JACOBS, Judicial Dialogue and the Cross-Fertilization of Legal Systems: The European Court of Justice, 38 TEXAS INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAl 547 (2003); Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, GA Res. 2625 (XXV) (Oct. 24, 1970).
  • Personal titles when the title is directly followed by the person’s name, e.g.:
    • President Bush or “the president”
    • Prime Minister Blair or “the prime minister”
    • Secretary-General Annan or “the secretary-general”
    • Advocate General Mengozzi or “the advocate general”
    • The British Government of Blair” vs. “the British government”
    • The Italian President Napolitano vs. “The Italian president”
    • Brazilian Minister of Justice Tarso Genro vs. “The Brazilian minister of justice”


  • Do not use abbreviations or acronyms unless they have been previously introduced in parentheses.
  • Use “art.” in footnotes (but “Article 51(1) in the body of the text) and “v.” rather than “versus”, “e.g.” rather than “for example”, “i.e.” rather than “that is”
  • All percentages should be expressed as follows: in text, number + the word (e.g., “2 percent”); in footnotes, number + the symbol (e.g., “2%”)


Please retain all foreign characters and diacritical marks necessary for proper spelling and italicize Latin phrases and words such as “ante”, “e.g.”, “ibidem”, “id.”, “infra”, “supra”. In footnotes, “ibidem” should refer to the immediately preceding source.

Please do not change the editorial style in sentences taken from original texts