
Shane Darcy
The Contribution of the UN Treaty Bodies to Business and Human Rights

Luis A. López Zamora
Algunos Comentarios Al Estudio De La Comisión De Derecho Internacional, Sobre Los Principios Generales Del Derecho

Ko Hasegawa
Vulnerability, Sami Identity, and the Law, Malgosia Fitzmaurice & Felicity G. Attard The Possibility of the Human Right to Environment-From a Viewpoint of Legal Philosophy

Richard Falk
The Unresolved Struggle for International Criminal Accountability: from Nuremberg to the International Criminal Court

Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann
From Integration Through Law to Global Community Law? Between Arbitration, Adjudication and Judicial Overreach

Chris Thornhill
The Rise of the Occupation Constitution

Alex J. Bellamy
When Practice Doesn't Make Perfect: The Responsibility to Protect in Lived Reality

Joyeeta Gupta & Üsame Ceylan
The Global Environment Outlook and Its Implications for International Law: Is Law Increasingly Falling Behind?

Helen Keller & Reto Walther
The Bell of Görgülü Cannot Be Unrung-Can It?

Michael Bohlander
"External Stakeholder Benevolence": An Emerging Paradigm in International Criminal Justice? - Critical Reflections on the Paris Declaration 2017 and the Oslo Recommendations 2018 on the Efficiency and Legitimacy of International Courts

Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann
How to Reconcile Human Rights, Trade Law, Intellectual Property, Investment and Health Law? WTO Dispute Settlement Panel Upholds Australia>'s Plain Packaging Regulations of Tobacco Products

Chris Thornhill
The Citizen and the State: A Paradoxical Relation

Yale H. Ferguson & Richard W. Mansbach
The Decline of the Liberal Global Order and the Revival of Nationalism

Ramesh Thakur
A Bifurcated Global Nuclear Order: Thou May vs. Thou Shall Not Possess or Use Nuclear Weapons

Steven W. Becker
Post-Conviction DNA Testing, Actual Innocence, and Cold Cases: A Practitioner's Guide to Freeing the Innocent, Exhuming the Past, and Resurrecting the Truth-Making a Case for Seeking Justice over Finality

Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo
Global Law as a Constitutional Phenomenon

Jean d’Aspremont
The Decay of Modern Customary International Law in spite of Scholarly Heroism

Frank J. Garcia
Globalization’s Law: Transnational, Global or Both?

Rafael Nieto-Navia
Are Those Norms Truly Peremptory? With Special Reference to Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law

Dan Plesch, Thomas G. Weiss & Leah Owen
UN War Crimes Commission and International Law: Revisiting World War II Precedents and Practice

Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo
‘Tutelary’ Intervention to Counter the New Unlawful Territorial Situations: A Tertium Genus of Military Intervention in International Law?

Lea Brilmayer & Tian Huang
The Illogic of Cultural Relativism in Global Human Rights Debate

Richard W. Mansbach
The Limits of Globalization and Global Governance in Producing Global Community

Michael Bohlander
Blood Music on Darwin’s Radio—Musings on Social Network Data Transparency, Cyborg Technology, Science Fiction and the Future Perception of Human Rights,

Frank J. Garcia
Of Cosmopolis and Community: Globalization and Global Justic

Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann
Multilevel Governance of Interdependent Public Goods: Methodological Problems of International Economic Law Research

Aurora Plomer & Dimitrios Tsarapatsanis
The Asymmetry of Human Dignity as a Constitutional Value and Fundamental Human Rights in Europe

Barbara Kwiatkowska
Some Reflections on the Ever Puzzling Rocks-Principle Under UNCLOS Article 121(3)

Guiguo Wang
International Trade Law and Development

Michael Bohlander & Dawn L. Rothe
Spock was wrong” – Global Student Views on Head-of-State and Regime Assassination as a Means of Avoiding Collateral Civilian Damage in Armed Conflicts

John G. Merrills
The Austro-German Customs Union Case Revisited

Anna Vigorito
Pour un droit à la différence culturelle. Un plaidoyer à double tranchant ?

Suzannah Linton
The Role of Judges in Dealing with the Legacies of the Past

José B. Acosta Estévez
El Principio de Legalidad Penal en el Derecho Internacional

Barbara Kwiatkowska
The 2007 Nicaragua v. Colombia Territorial and Maritime Dispute (Preliminary Objections) Judgment: A Landmark in the Sound Administration of International Justice

Kelly L. Razzouk
The Special Tribunal for Lebanon: Implications for International Law

Forum (continued)-The Case for Global Law: Is Global Law True Law?

Nicholas Onuf
In Time of Need: United Nations Reform, Civil Society, and the Late Modern World

Allyn L. Taylor & Karen C. Sokol
The Evolution of Global Health Law in a Globalized World

Ramesh Thakur & Vesselin Popovski
The Responsibility to Protect and Prosecute: The Parallel Erosion of Sovereignty and Impunity

Robert Kolb
Repères Historiques dans l’Évolution de l’Occupation de Guerre

Forum (continued)-The Case for Global Law: Is Global Law True Law?

Cherif Bassiouni
The Globalization of International Criminal Justice

Richard Falk
World Tribunal on Iraq: Truth, Law, and Justice

Anthony McGrew
Cosmopolitanism and the War on Terror

John G. Merrills
New Horizons for International Adjudication

Rafael Nieto-Navia
Do International Courts and Tribunals Have the Power to “Create” Law?

Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann
Justice in International Economic Law? From the “International Law Among States” to “International Integration Law” and “Constitutional Law”

Forum-The Case for Global Law: Is Global Law True Law?

Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo
A New Dimension of International Law: The Global Law, Editor’s Introduction

Mohsen Aghahosseini & Hossein Piran
The Case Law of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal on the Rule of Res Judicata

Pablo Antonio Fernández-Sánchez
Territorial Consequences of Central American Conflicts Before the International Court of Justice

Barbara Kwiatkowska
Equitable Maritime Boundary Delimitation, as Exemplified in the Work of the International Court of Justice During the Presidency of Judge Gilbert Guillaume (2000-2003) and Beyond

Koen Lenaerts
The Unity of European Law and the Overload of the ECJ – The System of Preliminary Rulings Revisited

Allan Rosas
With a Little Help from My Friends: International Case-law as a Source of Reference for the EU Courts

Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo
Fighting Global Terrorism Through Global Enforcement Mechanisms, editorial

Mohamed Bennouna
Should the United Nations Be Changed?

Olivier Corten
L’état de nécessité peut-il justifier un recours à la force non constitutif d’agression?

Terry D. Gill
Humanitarian Intervention: Legality, Justice and Legitimacy

Vladlen S. Vereshchetin & Christopher J. Le Mon
Immunities of Individuals under International Law in the Jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice

Bo Vesterdorf
Double Jeopardy in EC Competition Proceedings – The Application of the Principle of ne bis in idem in EC Competition Law

Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo
Global Trends and Global Court: The Legitimacy of World Governance

Mohsen Aghahosseini
The Enforcement Mechanism Provided for the Awards of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal

Philippe Couvreur
Le Greffier de la Cour Internationale de Justice: Statut et Fonctions

Philippe Gautier
Les Affaires de « Prompte Mainlevée » devant le Tribunal International du Droit de la Mer

Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo
Legality vs. Effectivity in the Global Community: The Overthrowing of Saddam Hussein

Michael Bohlander & Mark Findlay
The Use of Domestic Sources as a Basis for International Criminal Law

Barbara Kwiatkowska
The Law of the Sea Related Cases in the International Court of Justice During the Presidency of Judge Stephen M. Schwebel (1997-2000) and Beyond

John G. Merrills
The Belize-Guatemala Territorial Dispute and the Legal Opinion of January 2002

Cesare P.R. Romano
Mixed Jurisdictions for East Timor, Kosovo, Sierra Leone and Cambodia: The Coming of Age of Internationalized Criminal Bodies?

Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo
International Treaties and National Law in a Globalizing System

M. Cherif Bassiouni
Accountability for Violations of International Humanitarian Law and Other Serious Violations of Human Rights

Giovanni Battaglini
An International Environmental Tribunal between Law and Equity

Vincenzo Starace
The Quality of the Control Machinery Established by the European Convention on Human Rights Owing to its Protocol No. 1

Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo
The Law of the Global Community: An Integrated System to Enforce “Public” International Law