Notes and Comments

Paul Schiff Berman
Global Legal Pluralism and the Making of International Climate Change Law

Sonja C. Grover
The Court's Role in Upholding Inter- Generational Obligations Respecting the Child's Right to Truth: Juliana v. United States as a Case in Point

Lando Kirchmair
Information Interventions in the Twenty- First Century: Fighting Disinformation Across National Boundaries with International Information Campaigns

Geert- Jan Alexander Knoops & Sara Pedroso
The Evidentiary Value of NGO and IO Reports in International Criminal Proceedings

Juan- Pablo Pérez- León- Acevedo
Non- compensatory Reparation Modalities in UN Legal Sources: Focus on Gross Violations of Human Rights

Louis René Beres
Power, Immortality and International Law

Geert-Jan Alexander Knoops
No Case to Answer Procedure Within the ICC Legal Guardian of the Accused’s Fundamental Rights

Robert Kolb
L’Epuisement des Recours Internes Est-il une Condition de Fond, de Procédure ou les Deux à la Fois?

Anja Matwijkiw, Bronik Matwijkiw & Lisa Nordbring
Bahrain’s 2011-2021 Anniversary: A Decade of Abandonment

Steven W. Becker
When Diplomatic Protests are not Enough: The Rule of Specialty, United States v. Valencia-Trujillo, and the Enigma of Prudential Standing in United States Extradition Practice

Carlo Botrugno
Working on a Right to Health for the Digital Era

Robert Kolb
On the Origins of Human Rights in War

Sonja C. Grover
'Abuse of Executive Power' versus Simply Bad Policy (or Maladministration') and Why the Distinction Matters

Louis René Beres
Complex Intersections: Law, War and Justice in Defense of Israel

Jean d'Aspremont
Statehood and Recognition in International Law: A Post-Colonial Invention

Jacques Hartmann
Misdiagnosing the Human Rights Malaise: Possible Lessons from the Danish Chairmanship of the Council of Europe

Robert Kolb
Article 103 of the UN Charter and Security Council Authorizations

Francesco Seatzu
Under Construction: the Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area (EMFTA)

Louis René Beres
Demilitarizing Palestine. A Flawed Legal Approach To Middle East Peace

Luis A. López Zamora
Normatividad Internacional en Colisión con la Norma Fundamental del Derecho Internacional/ International Normativity in Collision with International Law’s Constitution

Anja Matwijkiw & Bronik Matwijkiw
Bahrain Anno 2017: Peace or Regime- Change? The Ongoing Human Rights Dilemma and the Ethics Pillar as a Measurement

Francesca Ippolito
Mainstreaming Human Rights in EuroMed Bilateral Relations: 'The Road to Hell Is Paved with Good Intentions'

Robert Kolb
Réflexions sur le Monisme et le Dualisme dans les Rapports entre Systèmes

Anna Oriolo
The Zuchtvieh-Export GmbH v. Stadt Kempten Case- The Triggering of a Substantial Link to 'Export' EU Animal Welfare Law?

Karen C. Sokol
Rethinking Rights in the Age of the "Anthropocene": The Potential of a Gandhian-Informed Jurisprudence for Forging Robust Environmental and Public Health Protections

Pablo Antonio Fernández Sánchez
From Totus Orbis to Global Law

Karen C. Sokol
East Meets West in Civil Disobedience Theory and Beyond: Lessons From Mohandas K. Gandhi & Martin Luther King, Jr.

Anja Matwijkiw & Bronik Matwijkiw
February 14, 2014: The Three Year Anniversary. Bahrain and the Precarious Diplomacy of Responsibility-Ascriptions: Values and Philosophical Aspects of Interpretation

Ilja Richard Pavone
The Crisis of the “Responsibility to Protect” Doctrine in the Light of the Syrian Civil War

Elisa Baroncini
The “Dolphin-Safe” Labelling Scheme under Consideration in the WTO Dispute Settlement System: The Appellate Body Report in the Case US—Tuna II (Mexico)

Steven W. Becker
The “Presumption of Impartiality” and Other Errors in the International Criminal Court’s Plenary Decision Concerning Judicial Disquali?cation of the President of the Court in The Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo

Peter H. Sand
The Chagos Archipelago Cases: Nature Conservation Between Human Rights and Power Politics

Stefano Chierici
The Definition of “Investment” in Article 25(1) ICSID Convention: A Possible Role for the Neoclassical Growth Model and Party Autonomy

Geert-Jan Alexander Knoops
Compatibility of the 2011 Uwinkindi Case with Human Rights: Comparison with the 2008 Referral Decisions of the ICTR

Hans Köchler
The Ambiguity of Power in International Relations and the Future of the United Nations Organization

Anna Oriolo
Optimizing the International Criminal Justice System with a “Positive-Enhanced” Approach

Françoise Tulkens & Sébastien Van Drooghenbroeck
The Shadow of Marckx for a Renewed Debate on the Temporal Effects of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights

Michele Nino
The Protection and Promotion of Sport in the European Union Following the Treaty of Lisbon and the Bernard Ruling

Anna Vigorito
The CAT-MED Programme and EU Policies for Sustainable Urban Development

Anna Oriolo
The Multilateral Approach of the EU Maritime Security Policy: The Fight Against Piracy, Terrorism and Violence at Sea

Joakim Dungel & Vincent Sautenet
Recent Clarifications of Superior Responsibility by International Criminal Tribunals

Mary D. Fan
Home, Community, Property: Crimes of Displacement and the Evolution in Focus from Sovereign Interests to Victim Rights-Holder

Pablo Antonio Fernández Sánchez
La Necesidad de Cambios Jurídicos Estratégicos para los Nuevos Escenarios Mundiales

Joanna Gomula
Precedential Effect of WTO Decisions. Note on the Zeroing Cases

Hans Köchler
Can the Exercise of Universal Jurisdiction Be Regionalized?

Hans Köchler
Global Security in the Absence of a Balance of Power: The Importance of Inter-regional Co-operation

Robert Kolb
Reflexions sur l’Efficacité du Droit International

Panayotis Voyatzis
Protocol No. 14, Present Challenges and Perspectives for the European Court of human Rights

Mohsen Aghahosseini & Zahra Mousavi
The Burden and Standard of Proof in the Case Law of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal

Cedric Ryngaert
The U.S. and the International Criminal Court

Françoise Tulkens & Panayotis Voyatzis
The Right to Health in Prison. Developments in Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights

Giandonato Caggiano
The New Approach to Financial Sanctions on Member States for Non-compliance with Judgements of the European Court of Justice

Juan Solchaga Zubillaga & Yolanda Gamarra
Towards the Rule of Law in Kosovo: The Judicial System Under International Administration

Michael Bohlander
To what Extent Are Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights Binding on Domestic Courts when Interpreting Domestic Law?

Paul J. Epstein
Enforcement of the Avena Judgment in the United States Courts: The Medellín Case

Chris Gutteridge
R v. Jones and Others: The Justiciability of UK Aggression Against Iraq and Its Relevance to the Domestic Criminal Defences of Prevention of Crime, Lawful Excuse and Necessity or Duress of Circumstances

Geert J. van Knoops
The Proliferation of the Ultimate Issue Rule Pertaining to Expert Witnesses Testimony before International and Internationalized Criminal Courts: Pitfalls and Paradoxes

Rober Kolb
Note sur l’Arrêt de la Cour Constitutionnelle Fédérale Allemande du 12 Décembre 2000: La Compétence des Tribunaux Internes en Matière de Crimes Internationaux et la Configuration du Crime de Génocide

Anja Matwijkiw
The Right to Accountability: A General Jurisprudence Approach to International Criminal Law

Sonia Boutillon
Case Comment: Standards for Habeas Corpus Review for “Enemy Combatants” under Hamdi, Padilla, and Rasul (United States Supreme Court)

Paul J. Epstein
“New Facts” in the Bosnia-Herzegovina vs. Yugoslavia Genocide Case: Interpretation of Article 61 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice

Yolanda Gamarra & Alejandra Vicente
Securing Protection to Civilian Population: The Doubtful United Nations Response in Sudan

Robert Kolb
Note sur certaines caractéristiques du différend international

Stefania Negri
Interpreting the European Convention on Human Rights in Harmony with International Law and Jurisprudence: What Lessons from Ocalan v. Turkey?

Dinah Shelton
The Environmental Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, 2003-2004

Guido Acquaviva
Unlawful Transfer, Unlawful Labour, Plunder, and Persecution: The State of the Law in Prosecutor v. Naletilić and Martinović

Elisa Baroncini
The WTO Dispute between Peru and the European Community on the EC Trade Description of Sardines

Michael Bohlander
The Influence of Academic Research on the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia – A First Overview

Andrea Reggio
Cooperation with the International Criminal Court and National Legal Systems: An Overview of the Implementing Legislations Enacted So Far

Robert Hessel van Dijk
The Volga Case (Russian Federation v. Australia): The Quest for White Gold

Elisa Baroncini
Amicus Curiae Briefs in the WTO Dispute Settlement System

Thordis Ingadottir
The EEA Agreement and Homogeneous Jurisprudence: The Two Pillar Role Given to the EFTA Court and the Court of Justice of the European Communities

Francesco Francioni & Massimiliano Montini
Recent WTO Cases on Trade and Environment

Umberto Leanza
Some Comments on the Most Recent Cases before the International Court of Justice

Umberto Leanza
Some Comments on Arbitral Tribunals Case Law: The Case Concerning the Dry Dock of Puerto Caldera

Vitaliano Esposito
The European Court of Human Rights: The Situation of a Member State